How to Find the Perfect Pot for Your Plant

We’re already dreaming of the coming spring as we’re so done with this winter. Spring means only one thing for us - repotting! Finding new pots for our plant babies, getting dirty as we repot, and finding excuses to buy new plants for our empty pots; and of course, sunshine - for us and for our plant babies. As Spring is almost a month away, we thought we’d prepare a quick guide on how to find the perfect pot for your plant.

Check your plant’s root growth

Check your plant’s root growth

If your plant has outgrown its current pot and the roots have no room to breathe, it’s most likely time to repot your plant. A plant whose roots have outgrown its current container is called “root bound” and this will result in stunted growth and the roots may even break through the pot in some cases. Your new plant will be much happier in a new pot that allows for continued growth.

Choose a pot that is larger than current pot size - 1 to 2 inch larger

Choose a pot that is larger than current pot size - 1 to 2 inch larger

When repotting you want to be careful about your pot size selection. It is recommended to repot your plant pal in a new pot that is a couple sizes bigger than the plastic grow pot or current pot that your plant is in. This will allow for your plant’s roots to stretch out and grow into the new soil you have repotted it with. It is never a good idea to size down as there will be no room for the roots to continue growing down and instead they will start to grow in a coiling pattern inside the pot. 

Get a pot with drainage holes

Get a pot with drainage holes (and saucers)

Drainage holes are important for plants that regularly get watered as it allows any excess to drain out, giving the roots enough air to breathe in. Saucers play an equally important part as any excess water that drains out sits in the saucer, that you can then throw out. This ensures your plant is not sitting in water which could lead to waterlogging of the roots. Therefore, when repotting, look out for planters with a drainage hole and detachable saucer.

Find pots that are more breathable for your plants

Find pots that are more breathable for your plants

At Chive, we recommend potting your plants directly into our pots. We wouldn't want to live in plastic ourselves, and we don't want our plant pals to have to either. Ceramic is actually much more breathable for them, along with clay and metal.